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Every E.R. should have one.


McGuire M.
PMID: 586512
Nursing. 1977 Jul;7(7):80. doi: 10.1097/00152193-197707000-00025.

No abstract available.

[Practical training in the emergency room].

The Canadian nurse

Julien C.
PMID: 3179972
Can Nurse. 1988 Sep;84(8):54-7.

No abstract available.

A general practitioner in an ophthalmology accident and emergency department.

British medical journal

Price M, Phillips CI.
PMID: 953652
Br Med J. 1976 Aug 28;2(6034):509-11. doi: 10.1136/bmj.2.6034.509.
Free PMC Article

After a short period of intensive training, a general practitioner successfully replaced a senior house officer (SHO) in the accident and emergency department of an eye hospital on one morning a week for a year. An unbiased observer compared...

Staffing of accident and emergency departments.

British medical journal

Hardy R.
PMID: 737513
Br Med J. 1978 Dec 23-30;2(6154):1791. doi: 10.1136/bmj.2.6154.1791-b.
Free PMC Article

No abstract available.

A farewell to call.

Postgraduate medicine

Fine BD.
PMID: 2300523
Postgrad Med. 1990 Feb 01;87(2):105-6. doi: 10.1080/00325481.1990.11704557.

No abstract available.

Emergency department observation units. American College of Emergency Physicians.

Annals of emergency medicine

[No authors listed]
PMID: 3337426
Ann Emerg Med. 1988 Jan;17(1):95-6.

No abstract available.

The telephone in pediatric emergency medicine.

Pediatric emergency care

Selbst SM, Korin J.
PMID: 3843431
Pediatr Emerg Care. 1985 Jun;1(2):108-10.

No abstract available.

An administrative perspective on emergency medicine.

Emergency medicine clinics of North America

Johnson DV.
PMID: 3816692
Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1987 Feb;5(1):149-53.

Administrators expect that their emergency room will meet the expectations of all the patients they serve. To do so requires leadership, planning, and cooperation. To not do so is a contradiction of the term emergency, and a misrepresentation of...

[Motivations of parents taking their children to the hospital in emergencies. Results of a psychosocial survey at the Regional University Hospital Center of Grenoble].


Marguet MC, Lejosne G, Berthier N, Bost M.
PMID: 3200655
Pediatrie. 1988;43(5):433-9.

A psycho-social survey by questionnaire was conducted among parents accompanying their children to the Pediatric Emergency Ward of the Medical Center of Grenoble, in order to identify the motivations of those who do not seek a medical advice prior...

Editorial: Emergency medical services - a challenge for all physicians.

Maryland state medical journal

Haller JA.
PMID: 4449262
Md State Med J. 1974 Oct;23(10):30-1.

No abstract available.

Emergency department nurses.

The Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey

Karel JR.
PMID: 4500397
J Med Soc N J. 1972 Feb;69(2):159.

No abstract available.

The hospital as an emergency center.


Hollis TL, Sapp BW.
PMID: 5020918
Hospitals. 1972 May 01;46(9):38-41.

No abstract available.

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