Drug promotion in the Third World. Drug promotion in the Third World. Lancet (London, England) Smith EL. PMID: 2899700 Lancet. 1988 Jul 23;2(8604):224. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92332-x. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Smith EL. Drug promotion in the Third World. Lancet. 1988;2(8604):224doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92332-x. APA Smith, E. L. (1988). Drug promotion in the Third World. Lancet (London, England), 2(8604), 224. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92332-x MLA Smith, E L. "Drug promotion in the Third World." Lancet (London, England) vol. 2,8604 (1988): 224. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92332-x NLM Smith EL. Drug promotion in the Third World. Lancet. 1988 Jul 23;2(8604):224. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92332-x. PMID: 2899700. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
[The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. [The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. Bulletin et memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique Bordet MP. PMID: 1027516 Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 1976;131(9):518-22. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Bordet MP. Le "mouvement universel de la responsabilité scientifique". [The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 1976;131(9):518-22 APA Bordet, M. P. (1976). Le "mouvement universel de la responsabilité scientifique". [The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. Bulletin et memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique, 131(9), 518-22. MLA Bordet, M P. "Le "mouvement universel de la responsabilité scientifique"." [The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. Bulletin et memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique vol. 131,9 (1976): 518-22. NLM Bordet MP. Le "mouvement universel de la responsabilité scientifique". [The "universal movement of scientific responsibility"]. Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 1976;131(9):518-22. French. PMID: 1027516. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships. The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne Thompson WG. PMID: 3179887 CMAJ. 1988 Nov 01;139(9):835-6. Free PMC Article No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Thompson WG. The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships. CMAJ. 1988;139(9):835-6 APA Thompson, W. G. (1988). The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 139(9), 835-6. MLA Thompson, W G. "The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships." CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne vol. 139,9 (1988): 835-6. NLM Thompson WG. The ethics of physician-pharmaceutical company relationships. CMAJ. 1988 Nov 01;139(9):835-6. PMID: 3179887; PMCID: PMC1268336. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences. Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Callahan D. PMID: 1066074 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1976;265:1-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1976.tb29315.x. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Callahan D. Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1976;265:1-12doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1976.tb29315.x. APA Callahan, D. (1976). Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2651-12. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1976.tb29315.x MLA Callahan, D. "Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 265 (1976): 1-12. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1976.tb29315.x NLM Callahan D. Ethical responsibility in science in the face of uncertain consequences. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1976;265:1-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1976.tb29315.x. PMID: 1066074. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Accountability: a professional privilege. Accountability: a professional privilege. NLN publications Griffin MD. PMID: 1048408 NLN Publ. 1976;(16):37-42. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Griffin MD. Accountability: a professional privilege. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):37-42 APA Griffin, M. D. (1976). Accountability: a professional privilege. NLN publications, (16), 37-42. MLA Griffin, M D. "Accountability: a professional privilege." NLN publications vol. ,16 (1976): 37-42. NLM Griffin MD. Accountability: a professional privilege. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):37-42. PMID: 1048408. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing. Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing. NLN publications Quay EW. PMID: 1048412 NLN Publ. 1976;(16):75-92. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Quay EW. Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):75-92 APA Quay, E. W. (1976). Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing. NLN publications, (16), 75-92. MLA Quay, E W. "Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing." NLN publications vol. ,16 (1976): 75-92. NLM Quay EW. Issues of accountability for instructors of nursing. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):75-92. PMID: 1048412. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective. Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective. NLN publications Dejnozka EL. PMID: 1048398 NLN Publ. 1976;(16):13-22. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Dejnozka EL. Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):13-22 APA Dejnozka, E. L. (1976). Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective. NLN publications, (16), 13-22. MLA Dejnozka, E L. "Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective." NLN publications vol. ,16 (1976): 13-22. NLM Dejnozka EL. Accountability: a teacher educator's perspective. NLN Publ. 1976;(16):13-22. PMID: 1048398. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Confidentiality. Confidentiality. The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Foster HH. PMID: 708917 Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 1978;6(2):256-8. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Foster HH. Confidentiality. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 1978;6(2):256-8 APA Foster, H. H. (1978). Confidentiality. The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 6(2), 256-8. MLA Foster, H H. "Confidentiality." The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law vol. 6,2 (1978): 256-8. NLM Foster HH. Confidentiality. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 1978;6(2):256-8. PMID: 708917. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Science and value. Science and value. Perspectives in biology and medicine Visscher MB. PMID: 1196834 Perspect Biol Med. 1975;18(3):299-305. doi: 10.1353/pbm.1975.0048. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Visscher MB. Science and value. Perspect Biol Med. 1975;18(3):299-305doi: 10.1353/pbm.1975.0048. APA Visscher, M. B. (1975). Science and value. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 18(3), 299-305. https://doi.org/10.1353/pbm.1975.0048 MLA Visscher, M B. "Science and value." Perspectives in biology and medicine vol. 18,3 (1975): 299-305. doi: https://doi.org/10.1353/pbm.1975.0048 NLM Visscher MB. Science and value. Perspect Biol Med. 1975;18(3):299-305. doi: 10.1353/pbm.1975.0048. PMID: 1196834. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
Public policy and ethics. Public policy and ethics. The Hastings Center report Price DE. PMID: 924774 Hastings Cent Rep. 1977 Dec;7(6):suppl 4-6. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Price DE. Public policy and ethics. Hastings Cent Rep. 1977;7(6):suppl 4-6 APA Price, D. E. (1977). Public policy and ethics. The Hastings Center report, 7(6), suppl 4-6. MLA Price, D E. "Public policy and ethics." The Hastings Center report vol. 7,6 (1977): suppl 4-6. NLM Price DE. Public policy and ethics. Hastings Cent Rep. 1977 Dec;7(6):suppl 4-6. PMID: 924774. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
[Urgent problems of medical deontology]. [Urgent problems of medical deontology]. Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal Grando OA. PMID: 658340 Farm Zh. 1978;(2):4-8. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Grando OA. Aktual'ni pronlemy medychnoĭ deontolohiĭ. [Urgent problems of medical deontology]. Farm Zh. 1978;(2):4-8 APA Grando, O. A. (1978). Aktual'ni pronlemy medychnoĭ deontolohiĭ. [Urgent problems of medical deontology]. Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal, (2), 4-8. MLA Grando, O A. "Aktual'ni pronlemy medychnoĭ deontolohiĭ." [Urgent problems of medical deontology]. Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal vol. ,2 (1978): 4-8. NLM Grando OA. Aktual'ni pronlemy medychnoĭ deontolohiĭ. [Urgent problems of medical deontology]. Farm Zh. 1978;(2):4-8. Ukrainian. PMID: 658340. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM
[Late capitalist exploitation]. [Late capitalist exploitation]. Zahnarztliche Mitteilungen Salten L. PMID: 1060297 Zahnarztl Mitt. 1975 Aug 01;65(15):724-5. No abstract available. Share Share on social media Direct link Direct link Cite Cite AMA Salten L. Spätkapitalistische Ausbeutung [Late capitalist exploitation]. Zahnarztl Mitt. 1975;65(15):724-5 APA Salten, L. (1975). Spätkapitalistische Ausbeutung [Late capitalist exploitation]. Zahnarztliche Mitteilungen, 65(15), 724-5. MLA Salten, L. "Spätkapitalistische Ausbeutung" [Late capitalist exploitation]. Zahnarztliche Mitteilungen vol. 65,15 (1975): 724-5. NLM Salten L. Spätkapitalistische Ausbeutung [Late capitalist exploitation]. Zahnarztl Mitt. 1975 Aug 01;65(15):724-5. German. PMID: 1060297. Copy Download .nbib Format: NLM AMA APA MLA NLM