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Editorial: European Biological Research Association.

Agents and actions

[No authors listed]
PMID: 961544
Agents Actions. 1976 Jul;6(4):452-3. doi: 10.1007/BF01973259.

No abstract available.

Prescribing--some sense but much insensibility.

The Journal of family practice

Fry J.
PMID: 621477
J Fam Pract. 1978 Jun;6(1):179-80.

No abstract available.

[Labor market--women in jobs in Denmark and the EEC].


Jensen PD.
PMID: 1411967
Sygeplejersken. 1992 Mar 25;92(13):18-22.

No abstract available.

Hospital infections: a continuing danger to patients and staff.

WHO chronicle

Wahba AH.
PMID: 835251
WHO Chron. 1977 Feb;31(2):63-6.

No abstract available.

[Organized and professional crime: a comparative approach].

Quaderni di criminologia clinica

Kerner HJ, Mack JA.
PMID: 1230832
Quad Criminol Clin. 1975 Oct-Dec;17(4):519-46.

After a short preliminary statement of a terminological character, the authors review the basic features of professional and organized crime, also in relation to historically well defined aspects of it, of the "crime-syndicate" type. The tracts differentiating in this...

Who makes decisions about your future?.

EDS magazine : official journal of the E.E.C. Dental Students Committee

Backer D.
PMID: 1893217
EDS Mag. 1991 Jan;(1):8-13.

Dr. Backer has been the president of the Advisory Committee on the training of dental practitioners of the E.E.C. This committee is concerned with the quality of the training of dental practitioners. The goals of the Advisory Committee are...

[The European bypass study].


Varnauskas E.
PMID: 314029
Lakartidningen. 1979 Jun 27;76(26):2449-50.

No abstract available.

[Interventionism or private responsibility. Considerations on a Common Market health system].

Zahnarztliche Mitteilungen

Buchholz EH.
PMID: 1060294
Zahnarztl Mitt. 1975 Aug 01;65(15):708-13.

No abstract available.

[Letter: Eye physician's role and education].

Ugeskrift for laeger

Clemmesen V.
PMID: 951797
Ugeskr Laeger. 1976 Jul 12;138(29):1802-4.

No abstract available.

[Coronary heart disease: epidemiologic-genetic aspects].

Sozial- und Praventivmedizin

Epstein FH.
PMID: 3883676
Soz Praventivmed. 1985;30(1):33-6. doi: 10.1007/BF02075726.

Coronary heart disease and the risk factors which predispose to it aggregate in families. How much of this clustering of disease is "explained" by the familial resemblance in predisposing factors? The published reports which bear on this question fall...

[European meeting of nursing students. Rights and duties].

Krankenpflege. Soins infirmiers

[No authors listed]
PMID: 3419129
Krankenpfl Soins Infirm. 1988 May;81(5):30-1.

No abstract available.

Perspectives of epidemiology in Europe.

International journal of epidemiology

Lechat MF.
PMID: 608793
Int J Epidemiol. 1977 Dec;6(4):327-8. doi: 10.1093/ije/6.4.327.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 12 of 2548 entries