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Health care reform.

Scientific American

Fein R.
PMID: 1411462
Sci Am. 1992 Nov;267(5):46-53. doi: 10.1038/scientificamerican1192-46.

No abstract available.

Do we need national health insurance?.

Pennsylvania medicine

Friedman PS.
PMID: 523145
Pa Med. 1979 Oct;82(10):23-4.

No abstract available.

[Interventionism or private responsibility. Considerations on a Common Market health system].

Zahnarztliche Mitteilungen

Buchholz EH.
PMID: 1060294
Zahnarztl Mitt. 1975 Aug 01;65(15):708-13.

No abstract available.

[The problem of balance between increasing premiums and expenditure in the health insurance system].

Fortschritte der Medizin

Forster E, Steinmüller H.
PMID: 914174
Fortschr Med. 1977 Oct 06;95(37):2213-4, 2250.

No abstract available.

Health insurance satisfaction tied to cost.


Steiber SR.
PMID: 3338787
Hospitals. 1988 Mar 05;62(5):79.

No abstract available.

[Significance and processes in the movement toward health insurance].

Nihon Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai kaishi

Suzuki F.
PMID: 3869302
Nihon Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai Kaishi. 1985;3:34-8.

No abstract available.

Disability insurance under social security.

Virginia medical monthly

Page MJ.
PMID: 4269883
Va Med Mon (1918). 1973 Aug;100(8):752-4.

No abstract available.

What the dentist should know about disability income insurance.

Texas dental journal

Veale JB.
PMID: 4502710
Tex Dent J. 1972 May;90(5):32-3.

No abstract available.

Overview of federal programs and philosophies.

Journal - Alabama Dental Association

Greene JC.
PMID: 1074977
J Ala Dent Assoc. 1976 Oct;60(4):22-9.

No abstract available.

H. Charles Abbott. Recipient of the 1971 Justin Ford Kimball Award.


[No authors listed]
PMID: 4937121
Hospitals. 1971 Jul 16;45(14):59-61.

No abstract available.

Health insurance legislative update.

Journal of the National Medical Association

George AR.
PMID: 1602498
J Natl Med Assoc. 1992 Jan;84(1):17-9.

No abstract available.

[Various aspects of using the principles of insurance medicine in the USSR].

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

Shchepin OP, Grishin VV, Semenov VIu.
PMID: 2218679
Sov Zdravookhr. 1990;(6):3-7.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 12 of 1291 entries