Health laboratory science
Sheinbach G.
PMID: 873811
Health Lab Sci. 1977 Jul;14(3):224-8.
No abstract available.
Sheinbach G. Effect of standards enforcement on laboratory performance. Health Lab Sci. 1977;14(3):224-8
Sheinbach, G. (1977). Effect of standards enforcement on laboratory performance. Health laboratory science, 14(3), 224-8.
Sheinbach, G. "Effect of standards enforcement on laboratory performance." Health laboratory science vol. 14,3 (1977): 224-8.
Sheinbach G. Effect of standards enforcement on laboratory performance. Health Lab Sci. 1977 Jul;14(3):224-8. PMID: 873811.
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Northwest dentistry
Morris MB.
PMID: 1072496
Northwest Dent. 1975 Jan-Feb;54(1):21-2.
No abstract available.
Morris MB. Update on retirement plans for dentists. Northwest Dent. 1975;54(1):21-2
Morris, M. B. (1975). Update on retirement plans for dentists. Northwest dentistry, 54(1), 21-2.
Morris, M B. "Update on retirement plans for dentists." Northwest dentistry vol. 54,1 (1975): 21-2.
Morris MB. Update on retirement plans for dentists. Northwest Dent. 1975 Jan-Feb;54(1):21-2. PMID: 1072496.
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Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz
Reinmöller-Schreck T.
PMID: 1210843
Zentralbl Arbeitsmed. 1975 Oct;25(10):289-92.
No abstract available.
Reinmöller-Schreck T. Frauenarbeitsschutz im Wandel [Changing legal protection of working women]. Zentralbl Arbeitsmed. 1975;25(10):289-92
Reinmöller-Schreck, T. (1975). Frauenarbeitsschutz im Wandel [Changing legal protection of working women]. Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz, 25(10), 289-92.
Reinmöller-Schreck, T. "Frauenarbeitsschutz im Wandel" [Changing legal protection of working women]. Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz vol. 25,10 (1975): 289-92.
Reinmöller-Schreck T. Frauenarbeitsschutz im Wandel [Changing legal protection of working women]. Zentralbl Arbeitsmed. 1975 Oct;25(10):289-92. German. PMID: 1210843.
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[Kango] Japanese journal of nursing
Sugitani F.
PMID: 3650454
Kango. 1986 Sep;38(10):151-7.
No abstract available.
Sugitani F. [JNA information: a movement to ament the Labor Standards Act]. Kango. 1986;38(10):151-7
Sugitani, F. (1986). [JNA information: a movement to ament the Labor Standards Act]. [Kango] Japanese journal of nursing, 38(10), 151-7.
Sugitani, F. "[JNA information: a movement to ament the Labor Standards Act]." [Kango] Japanese journal of nursing vol. 38,10 (1986): 151-7.
Sugitani F. [JNA information: a movement to ament the Labor Standards Act]. Kango. 1986 Sep;38(10):151-7. Japanese. PMID: 3650454.
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Journal of pharmaceutical sciences
Feldmann EG.
PMID: 1195102
J Pharm Sci. 1975 Nov;64(11):I. doi: 10.1002/jps.2600641102.
No abstract available.
Feldmann EG. Editorial: National research policy. J Pharm Sci. 1975;64(11):Idoi: 10.1002/jps.2600641102.
Feldmann, E. G. (1975). Editorial: National research policy. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 64(11), I.
Feldmann, E G. "Editorial: National research policy." Journal of pharmaceutical sciences vol. 64,11 (1975): I. doi:
Feldmann EG. Editorial: National research policy. J Pharm Sci. 1975 Nov;64(11):I. doi: 10.1002/jps.2600641102. PMID: 1195102.
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Federation proceedings
McHugh MF.
PMID: 499571
Fed Proc. 1979 Nov;38(12):2567-9.
Making judgments on priorities in funding is a politican's most difficult task. Scientific information is often necessary to make those judgments, so that good communication between scientist and politican is important. This is, however, difficult because the politician's usual...
McHugh MF. Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Fed Proc. 1979;38(12):2567-9
McHugh, M. F. (1979). Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Federation proceedings, 38(12), 2567-9.
McHugh, M F. "Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective." Federation proceedings vol. 38,12 (1979): 2567-9.
McHugh MF. Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Fed Proc. 1979 Nov;38(12):2567-9. PMID: 499571.
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The Journal of long term care administration
Gordon S.
PMID: 1049623
J Long Term Care Adm. 1976;4(3):30-7.
No abstract available.
Gordon S. Understanding disparate effect: the key to insuring equal employment opportunity. J Long Term Care Adm. 1976;4(3):30-7
Gordon, S. (1976). Understanding disparate effect: the key to insuring equal employment opportunity. The Journal of long term care administration, 4(3), 30-7.
Gordon, S. "Understanding disparate effect: the key to insuring equal employment opportunity." The Journal of long term care administration vol. 4,3 (1976): 30-7.
Gordon S. Understanding disparate effect: the key to insuring equal employment opportunity. J Long Term Care Adm. 1976;4(3):30-7. PMID: 1049623.
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Vodicka BE.
PMID: 1172801
JAMA. 1975 Mar 10;231(10):1086. doi: 10.1001/jama.231.10.1086c.
No abstract available.
Vodicka BE. Physician's patients and the press. JAMA. 1975;231(10):1086doi: 10.1001/jama.231.10.1086c.
Vodicka, B. E. (1975). Physician's patients and the press. JAMA, 231(10), 1086.
Vodicka, B E. "Physician's patients and the press." JAMA vol. 231,10 (1975): 1086. doi:
Vodicka BE. Physician's patients and the press. JAMA. 1975 Mar 10;231(10):1086. doi: 10.1001/jama.231.10.1086c. PMID: 1172801.
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Kinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege
Schell W.
PMID: 1503981
Kinderkrankenschwester. 1992 Jan;11(1):16.
No abstract available.
Schell W. Der neue Sozialversicherungsausweis--wichtige Hinweise. [The new social insurance identity card--important tips]. Kinderkrankenschwester. 1992;11(1):16
Schell, W. (1992). Der neue Sozialversicherungsausweis--wichtige Hinweise. [The new social insurance identity card--important tips]. Kinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege, 11(1), 16.
Schell, W. "Der neue Sozialversicherungsausweis--wichtige Hinweise." [The new social insurance identity card--important tips]. Kinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege vol. 11,1 (1992): 16.
Schell W. Der neue Sozialversicherungsausweis--wichtige Hinweise. [The new social insurance identity card--important tips]. Kinderkrankenschwester. 1992 Jan;11(1):16. German. PMID: 1503981.
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Exceptional children
LaVor ML.
PMID: 4264296
Except Child. 1972 Nov;39(3):249-53. doi: 10.1177/001440297203900313.
No abstract available.
LaVor ML. Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1972 Public Law 92-424. Except Child. 1972;39(3):249-53doi: 10.1177/001440297203900313.
LaVor, M. L. (1972). Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1972 Public Law 92-424. Exceptional children, 39(3), 249-53.
LaVor, M L. "Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1972 Public Law 92-424." Exceptional children vol. 39,3 (1972): 249-53. doi:
LaVor ML. Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1972 Public Law 92-424. Except Child. 1972 Nov;39(3):249-53. doi: 10.1177/001440297203900313. PMID: 4264296.
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[No authors listed]
PMID: 4810400
Geriatrics. 1974 Feb;29(2):174-6.
No abstract available.
Higher hopes, bigger fears revolve around new legislation. Geriatrics. 1974;29(2):174-6
(1974). Higher hopes, bigger fears revolve around new legislation. Geriatrics, 29(2), 174-6.
"Higher hopes, bigger fears revolve around new legislation." Geriatrics vol. 29,2 (1974): 174-6.
Higher hopes, bigger fears revolve around new legislation. Geriatrics. 1974 Feb;29(2):174-6. PMID: 4810400.
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Exceptional children
Wirtz MA.
PMID: 4220653
Except Child. 1965 Nov;32(3):172-3. doi: 10.1177/001440296503200307.
No abstract available.
Wirtz MA. The National Defense Education Act and exceptional children. Except Child. 1965;32(3):172-3doi: 10.1177/001440296503200307.
Wirtz, M. A. (1965). The National Defense Education Act and exceptional children. Exceptional children, 32(3), 172-3.
Wirtz, M A. "The National Defense Education Act and exceptional children." Exceptional children vol. 32,3 (1965): 172-3. doi:
Wirtz MA. The National Defense Education Act and exceptional children. Except Child. 1965 Nov;32(3):172-3. doi: 10.1177/001440296503200307. PMID: 4220653.
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