Federation proceedings
McHugh MF.
PMID: 499571
Fed Proc. 1979 Nov;38(12):2567-9.
Making judgments on priorities in funding is a politican's most difficult task. Scientific information is often necessary to make those judgments, so that good communication between scientist and politican is important. This is, however, difficult because the politician's usual...
McHugh MF. Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Fed Proc. 1979;38(12):2567-9
McHugh, M. F. (1979). Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Federation proceedings, 38(12), 2567-9.
McHugh, M F. "Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective." Federation proceedings vol. 38,12 (1979): 2567-9.
McHugh MF. Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective. Fed Proc. 1979 Nov;38(12):2567-9. PMID: 499571.
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Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing
Smith J.
PMID: 3846118
Nurs Stand. 1985 Apr 18;(393):6.
No abstract available.
Smith J. Come out of your shells. Nurs Stand. 1985;(393):6
Smith, J. (1985). Come out of your shells. Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing, (393), 6.
Smith, J. "Come out of your shells." Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing vol. ,393 (1985): 6.
Smith J. Come out of your shells. Nurs Stand. 1985 Apr 18;(393):6. PMID: 3846118.
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International nursing review
Holleran C.
PMID: 3844386
Int Nurs Rev. 1985 Jan-Feb;32(1):14-6.
Nurses as a Social Force will be the theme of the 18th ICN Congress to be held in 1985 in Tel Aviv. If nurses are to make a full contribution to health care, planning programmes must have a nursing...
Holleran C. Nurses as a social force. Int Nurs Rev. 1985;32(1):14-6
Holleran, C. (1985). Nurses as a social force. International nursing review, 32(1), 14-6.
Holleran, C. "Nurses as a social force." International nursing review vol. 32,1 (1985): 14-6.
Holleran C. Nurses as a social force. Int Nurs Rev. 1985 Jan-Feb;32(1):14-6. PMID: 3844386.
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Stallknecht K.
PMID: 3388225
Sygeplejersken. 1988 Mar 09;88(10):4-9.
No abstract available.
Stallknecht K. Slalom mellem sengene virker ikke attraktivt. [Slalom between beds does not make for attractive work. Interview by Soren Palsbo]. Sygeplejersken. 1988;88(10):4-9
Stallknecht, K. (1988). Slalom mellem sengene virker ikke attraktivt. [Slalom between beds does not make for attractive work. Interview by Soren Palsbo]. Sygeplejersken, 88(10), 4-9.
Stallknecht, K. "Slalom mellem sengene virker ikke attraktivt." [Slalom between beds does not make for attractive work. Interview by Soren Palsbo]. Sygeplejersken vol. 88,10 (1988): 4-9.
Stallknecht K. Slalom mellem sengene virker ikke attraktivt. [Slalom between beds does not make for attractive work. Interview by Soren Palsbo]. Sygeplejersken. 1988 Mar 09;88(10):4-9. Danish. PMID: 3388225.
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The Milbank quarterly
Goldman HH, Gattozzi AA.
PMID: 3062354
Milbank Q. 1988;66(3):531-51.
Concern about costs in the early 1980s led both Congress and the newly installed Reagan administration to initiate an intensive review of eligibility for disability benefits under the Social Security system. Within a year it became apparent that a...
Goldman HH, Gattozzi AA. Balance of powers: Social Security and the mentally disabled, 1980-1985. Milbank Q. 1988;66(3):531-51
Goldman, H. H., & Gattozzi, A. A. (1988). Balance of powers: Social Security and the mentally disabled, 1980-1985. The Milbank quarterly, 66(3), 531-51.
Goldman, H H, and Gattozzi, A A. "Balance of powers: Social Security and the mentally disabled, 1980-1985." The Milbank quarterly vol. 66,3 (1988): 531-51.
Goldman HH, Gattozzi AA. Balance of powers: Social Security and the mentally disabled, 1980-1985. Milbank Q. 1988;66(3):531-51. PMID: 3062354.
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Mooney G.
PMID: 2741003
Sygeplejersken. 1989 Jan 04;89(1):8-11.
No abstract available.
Mooney G. Sygeplejersker burde vaere mere nysgerrige om økonomien. [Nurses should be more inquisitive about economics]. Sygeplejersken. 1989;89(1):8-11
Mooney, G. (1989). Sygeplejersker burde vaere mere nysgerrige om økonomien. [Nurses should be more inquisitive about economics]. Sygeplejersken, 89(1), 8-11.
Mooney, G. "Sygeplejersker burde vaere mere nysgerrige om økonomien." [Nurses should be more inquisitive about economics]. Sygeplejersken vol. 89,1 (1989): 8-11.
Mooney G. Sygeplejersker burde vaere mere nysgerrige om økonomien. [Nurses should be more inquisitive about economics]. Sygeplejersken. 1989 Jan 04;89(1):8-11. Danish. PMID: 2741003.
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Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde
Moll J.
PMID: 6855960
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1983 Apr 23;127(17):744-6.
No abstract available.
Moll J. Aspecten van het medische onderwijs. [Various aspects of medical education]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1983;127(17):744-6
Moll, J. (1983). Aspecten van het medische onderwijs. [Various aspects of medical education]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 127(17), 744-6.
Moll, J. "Aspecten van het medische onderwijs." [Various aspects of medical education]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde vol. 127,17 (1983): 744-6.
Moll J. Aspecten van het medische onderwijs. [Various aspects of medical education]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1983 Apr 23;127(17):744-6. Dutch. PMID: 6855960.
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Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.))
Cleveland TL.
PMID: 6926012
Issues. 1982;3(1):3.
No abstract available.
Cleveland TL. Studying nurses as strategists. Issues. 1982;3(1):3
Cleveland, T. L. (1982). Studying nurses as strategists. Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)), 3(1), 3.
Cleveland, T L. "Studying nurses as strategists." Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)) vol. 3,1 (1982): 3.
Cleveland TL. Studying nurses as strategists. Issues. 1982;3(1):3. PMID: 6926012.
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Lancet (London, England)
Anderson J, Evered DC.
PMID: 2876245
Lancet. 1986 Oct 04;2(8510):799-802. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(86)90312-0.
The importance of research evaluation is now well recognised in some quarters but this activity is being looked upon as essentially negative by others. We believe this view to be mistaken. The case for investing some money in research...
Anderson J, Evered DC. Why do research on research?. Lancet. 1986;2(8510):799-802doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(86)90312-0.
Anderson, J., & Evered, D. C. (1986). Why do research on research?. Lancet (London, England), 2(8510), 799-802. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(86)90312-0
Anderson, J, and Evered, D C. "Why do research on research?." Lancet (London, England) vol. 2,8510 (1986): 799-802. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(86)90312-0
Anderson J, Evered DC. Why do research on research?. Lancet. 1986 Oct 04;2(8510):799-802. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(86)90312-0. PMID: 2876245.
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Nursing & health care : official publication of the National League for Nursing
Hawken PL, Hillestad A.
PMID: 2300271
Nurs Health Care. 1990 Jan;11(1):16-9.
Hawken, NLN's President, and Hillestad, confirm the wave of nursing practice and education collaboration that has grown over the last decade. They describe the movement of one school and its related practice settings in achieving true colleagueship within the...
Hawken PL, Hillestad A. Promoting nursing's health care agenda through collaboration. Nurs Health Care. 1990;11(1):16-9
Hawken, P. L., & Hillestad, A. (1990). Promoting nursing's health care agenda through collaboration. Nursing & health care : official publication of the National League for Nursing, 11(1), 16-9.
Hawken, P L, and Hillestad, A. "Promoting nursing's health care agenda through collaboration." Nursing & health care : official publication of the National League for Nursing vol. 11,1 (1990): 16-9.
Hawken PL, Hillestad A. Promoting nursing's health care agenda through collaboration. Nurs Health Care. 1990 Jan;11(1):16-9. PMID: 2300271.
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Sharp DW.
PMID: 2304218
JAMA. 1990 Mar 09;263(10):1390-1.
"Publication bias" has three facets: (1) bias perceived by disappointed authors, (2) bias that journal policy may introduce, and (3) bias intrinsic in design and interpretation of the work itself. The third type, though a target of peer review,...
Sharp DW. What can and should be done to reduce publication bias? The perspective of an editor. JAMA. 1990;263(10):1390-1
Sharp, D. W. (1990). What can and should be done to reduce publication bias? The perspective of an editor. JAMA, 263(10), 1390-1.
Sharp, D W. "What can and should be done to reduce publication bias? The perspective of an editor." JAMA vol. 263,10 (1990): 1390-1.
Sharp DW. What can and should be done to reduce publication bias? The perspective of an editor. JAMA. 1990 Mar 09;263(10):1390-1. PMID: 2304218.
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Nursing management
Ligon R.
PMID: 2367026
Nurs Manage. 1990 Jul;21(7):30.
No abstract available.
Ligon R. A blueprint for involving staff in policy development. Nurs Manage. 1990;21(7):30
Ligon, R. (1990). A blueprint for involving staff in policy development. Nursing management, 21(7), 30.
Ligon, R. "A blueprint for involving staff in policy development." Nursing management vol. 21,7 (1990): 30.
Ligon R. A blueprint for involving staff in policy development. Nurs Manage. 1990 Jul;21(7):30. PMID: 2367026.
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