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Leaders plan and direct strategy in Congress.

The American nurse

Pinsky J.
PMID: 3651122
Am Nurse. 1987 Sep;19(8):2.

No abstract available.

Health care not on the election agenda.


Steiber S.
PMID: 3679145
Hospitals. 1987 Dec 05;61(23):75.

No abstract available.

Speak for nursing as a convention delegate.

The American nurse

Pinsky J.
PMID: 3650034
Am Nurse. 1987 Jul-Aug;19(7):2.

No abstract available.

Bush/Democratic Congress: an uneasy alliance.


Robinson ML.
PMID: 3181906
Hospitals. 1988 Nov 20;62(22):22, 24.

No abstract available.

Science, politics, and public policy: a legislator's perspective.

Federation proceedings

McHugh MF.
PMID: 499571
Fed Proc. 1979 Nov;38(12):2567-9.

Making judgments on priorities in funding is a politican's most difficult task. Scientific information is often necessary to make those judgments, so that good communication between scientist and politican is important. This is, however, difficult because the politician's usual...

Editorial: Knowledge, secrecy and freedom -- a true fable.

Medical research engineering

Berkley C.
PMID: 957923
Med Res Eng. 1976;12(1):3-4.

No abstract available.

Ideology obscured. Political uses of the self in Daniel Stern's infant.

The American psychologist

Cushman P.
PMID: 2035931
Am Psychol. 1991 Mar;46(3):206-19. doi: 10.1037//0003-066x.46.3.206.

Daniel Stern's (1985) respected theory of infant development is critiqued from a social-constructionist perspective in order to demonstrate how decontextualized psychology theories inadvertantly perpetuate the political status quo. Self-invariants in the core-self phase are discussed as reflections of the...

Science and politics.

Federation proceedings

Partridge LD.
PMID: 658448
Fed Proc. 1978 Jun;37(8):2109.

No abstract available.

Getting involved in local government.

The Pennsylvania nurse

Ferguson A.
PMID: 2780055
Pa Nurse. 1989 Sep;44(9):16, 3.

No abstract available.

Nursing in politics: future hope.

The Pennsylvania nurse

Kelly S.
PMID: 2047136
Pa Nurse. 1991 Jun;46(6):16.

No abstract available.

Make your voice heard.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

McCarthy JB.
PMID: 2243051
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1990 Oct 15;197(8):995-6.

No abstract available.

Your vote and the future of medicine.

Michigan medicine

Burton RD.
PMID: 1620008
Mich Med. 1992 Mar;91(3):72, 71.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 12 of 4629 entries