Blinov NN, Vladimirov LV, Dmitriev GI, et al. Pervye rezul'taty ékspluatatsii otechestvennykh avtomaticheskikh rele ékspozitsii RPU-3-3 i RBU-3-4 [1st results of the use of the Soviet RPU-3-3 and RBU-3-4 automatic exposure relays]. Vestn Rentgenol Radiol. 1976;(1):87-93
Blinov, N. N., Vladimirov, L. V., Dmitriev, G. I., Radkin, I. K. h., & Rusina, G. M. (1976). Pervye rezul'taty ékspluatatsii otechestvennykh avtomaticheskikh rele ékspozitsii RPU-3-3 i RBU-3-4 [1st results of the use of the Soviet RPU-3-3 and RBU-3-4 automatic exposure relays]. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii, (1), 87-93.
Blinov, N N, et al. "Pervye rezul'taty ékspluatatsii otechestvennykh avtomaticheskikh rele ékspozitsii RPU-3-3 i RBU-3-4" [1st results of the use of the Soviet RPU-3-3 and RBU-3-4 automatic exposure relays]. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii vol. ,1 (1976): 87-93.
Blinov NN, Vladimirov LV, Dmitriev GI, Radkin IKh, Rusina GM. Pervye rezul'taty ékspluatatsii otechestvennykh avtomaticheskikh rele ékspozitsii RPU-3-3 i RBU-3-4 [1st results of the use of the Soviet RPU-3-3 and RBU-3-4 automatic exposure relays]. Vestn Rentgenol Radiol. 1976 Jan-Feb;(1):87-93. Russian. PMID: 1266015.
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