Nutting MA. Address of President M. Adelaide Nutting. Fourth annual convention of the Superintendents' Society, 1897, Baltimore, Maryland. NLN Publ. 1993;(14):25-33
Nutting, M. A. (1993). Address of President M. Adelaide Nutting. Fourth annual convention of the Superintendents' Society, 1897, Baltimore, Maryland. NLN publications, (14), 25-33.
Nutting, M A. "Address of President M. Adelaide Nutting. Fourth annual convention of the Superintendents' Society, 1897, Baltimore, Maryland." NLN publications vol. ,14 (1993): 25-33.
Nutting MA. Address of President M. Adelaide Nutting. Fourth annual convention of the Superintendents' Society, 1897, Baltimore, Maryland. NLN Publ. 1993 Mar;(14):25-33. PMID: 8479856.
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