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Arch Cardiol Mex. 2001 Apr-Jun;71(2):160-6.

[The centennial of the Einthoven electrocardiograph. Part I].

Archivos de cardiologia de Mexico

[Article in Spanish]
A de Micheli


  1. Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, México, INCICH, Juan Badiano No. 1, 14080 México, D.F.

PMID: 11565309


The initial studies about the "irritability" of animal tissues by iatrophysic or iatromechanic scientists are reviewed. These studies led to discover the so called animal electricity envisaged by Luigi Galvani in the XVIII century and demonstrated by Carlo Matteucci and his followers in the XIX. Beginning with the Galvani's "reoscopic" frog, which allowed to assess the electrical current in a qualitative sense, it was possible to arrive, at the beginnings of the XX century, to the string electrocardiograph developed by Willem Einthoven in 1901. This opened the way that led to fabrication of ever more sophisticated instruments until the present systems of endocardial mapping by magnetic technology or by multipolar catheters, which permit to quickly identify the site of origin or the spreading ways of a tachycardia for their ablation with radiofrequency. Intracardiac echocardiography is also employed to define the anatomy of right atrium, during intracardiac cartography, in order to establish the most adequate sites for ablation. On the other hand, a logic, i.e. rational, method for the interpretation of results from the electrical exploration of the heart has been developed. This one was introduced by Frank N. Wilson in Ann Arbor and has been fittingly applied by Demetrio Sodi Pallares in Mexico. Important diagnostic advances and notable therapeutic inferences have been derived from these latter developments.

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