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Anal Bioanal Chem. 1996 Jun;355(3):292-4. doi: 10.1007/s0021663550292.

Frequency-modulated simultaneous Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FremsAAS): Determination of As, Se and Sb.

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry

H Edel, D Erber, R Lehnert, W Buscher, K Cammann


  1. Institut für Chemo- und Biosensorik e.V., Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität, Lehrstuhl für Analytische Chemie, Mendelstrasse 7, D-48149, Münster, Germany.

PMID: 15045389 DOI: 10.1007/s0021663550292


The evaluation of accuracy and efficiency of the frequency-modulated simultaneous Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FremsAAS) has been extended to an arrangement with EDL as light sources. Fundamental calibrations have been worked out for As, Se and Sb using a graphite furnace as well as hydride generation in combination with a heated quartz tube as atomization unit. The characteristic data are in good agreement with results obtained by conventional single-channel AAS instruments. Determinations in three standard reference materials with different complex matrices resulted in complete agreement with the certified values.

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