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Immunohematology. 1988;4(3):59-63.

Evaluation of a complement-dependent anti-Jka by various sensitization and detection methodologies: a case report.


E N DeLong


  1. American Red Cross Blood Services, Washington Region, 2025 E Street, N.W, Washington, DC 20006-5099, USA.

PMID: 15945935


A 79-year-old woman with a diagnosis of lower gastrointestinal bleeding was found to have a complement-dependent anti-Jka in her serum. The anti-Jka was evaluated by the antiglobulin technique with polyspecific, anti-C3, and anti-IgG antihuman globulin (AHG). A variety of Sensitization and detection methods were used, including the prewarmed saline technique, enzyme treatment of test cells, a low-ionic additive solution (LISS), 22 percent albumin, Polybrene, and an increased serum/cell ratio. The anti-Jka was detected only when polyspecific AHG and anti-C3 were used compared to anti-IgG, regardless of the selected enhancement technique. Anti-C3 gave weaker reactions than polyspecific AHG. IgG subclassing was inconclusive. The anti-Jka was not detected when plasma was substituted for serum. The use of polyspecific versus IgG AHG in pretransfusion testing is discussed.

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