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Minerva Med. 1991 Nov;82(11):775-9.

[Resources and subsidies of scientific nature of the Instituti di Ricovero e Cura by geographic areas: inequalities between Center-North and South].

Minerva medica

[Article in Italian]
G Bocchini, G Sinaccio, E Robert, M Gipponi


  1. Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova.

PMID: 1766581


The Authors assess investments and resources appropriated for research and technological innovation and highlight the imbalance existing between the areas of Central-Northern and Southern Italy. In particular, data relative to Comprehensive Health Care Institutes (IRCCS) fully confirm the diversity between the Central-North and the South; indeed, in terms of economic resources and personnel, totals in this latter region amount to 13.8% and 10.5% of national figures respectively. The role that IRCCSes might assume within the framework of an effective program of the re-qualification and development of scientific research and health care in Italy, especially in Southern areas, is thus confirmed.

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