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Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1992 Mar;6(1):149-64. doi: 10.1016/s0950-3552(05)80123-3.

Clinical manifestations, management and therapy of HIV infection in children.

Bailliere's clinical obstetrics and gynaecology

F M Kaoma, G B Scott

PMID: 1633655 DOI: 10.1016/s0950-3552(05)80123-3


Perinatal infection accounts for the majority of cases of HIV infection in children both in developed and developing countries. Transmission may occur in utero, intrapartum or postpartum as a result of breast-feeding. The actual risk of transmission through breast-feeding is unknown. The majority of infants reported to be infected through breast milk have been infected as a result of a recently acquired HIV infection in the mother. Infants with HIV infection frequently present with clinical symptoms early in life. There is a broad spectrum of clinical findings in paediatric HIV infection, with opportunistic infections and multiorgan system involvement being common. The management of infants born to seropositive mothers includes routine paediatric care as well as careful clinical and laboratory monitoring for evidence of HIV infection. Infants who are seronegative with normal clinical and immunological findings at 18 months of age are considered uninfected. The prognosis and outcome of infants with HIV infection have improved considerably with earlier diagnosis and the availability of specific antiviral therapy. Modalities of therapy include frequent medical evaluation, aggressive diagnosis and treatment of infection, prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii infection, the use of intravenous gamma-globulin and specific antiviral therapy, such as zidovudine, didanosine or other drugs in development through clinical trials. HIV infection in children is a chronic illness and requires a comprehensive, family-oriented approach to care. With longer survival, children require support systems and an atmosphere of care and understanding to give them a good quality of life as well as prolonged survival.

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