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Appl Environ Microbiol. 1988 Dec;54(12):2894-901. doi: 10.1128/aem.54.12.2894-2901.1988.

Role of Cations in Accumulation and Release of Phosphate by Acinetobacter Strain 210A.

Applied and environmental microbiology

J W van Groenestijn, G J Vlekke, D M Anink, M H Deinema, A J Zehnder


  1. Department of Microbiology, Wageningen Agricultural University, Hesselink van Suchtelenweg 4, 6703 CT Wageningen, The Netherlands.

PMID: 16347788 PMCID: PMC204401 DOI: 10.1128/aem.54.12.2894-2901.1988


Cells of the strictly aerobic Acinetobacter strain 210A, containing aerobically large amounts of polyphosphate (100 mg of phosphorus per g [dry weight] of biomass), released in the absence of oxygen 1.49 mmol of P(i), 0.77 meq of Mg, 0.48 meq of K, 0.02 meq of Ca, and 0.14 meq of NH(4) per g (dry weight) of biomass. The drop in pH during this anaerobic phase was caused by the release of 1.8 protons per PO(4) molecule. Cells of Acinetobacter strain 132, which do not accumulate polyphosphate aerobically, released only 0.33 mmol of P(i) and 0.13 meq of Mg per g (dry weight) of biomass but released K in amounts comparable to those released by strain 210A. Stationary-phase cultures of Acinetobacter strain 210A, in which polyphosphate could not be detected by Neisser staining, aerobically took up phosphate simultaneously with Mg, the most important counterion in polyphosphate. In the absence of dissolved phosphate in the medium, no Mg was taken up. Cells containing polyphosphate granules were able to grow in a Mg-free medium, whereas cells without these granules were not. Mg was not essential as a counterion because it could be replaced by Ca. The presence of small amounts of K was essential for polyphosphate formation in cells of strain 210A. During continuous cultivation under K limitation, cells of Acinetobacter strain 210A contained only 14 mg of phosphorus per g (dry weight) of biomass, whereas this element was accumulated in amounts of 59 mg/g under substrate limitation and 41 mg/g under Mg limitation. For phosphate uptake in activated sludge, the presence of K seemed to be crucial.


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