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Intern Med. 2010;49(2):139-44. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.49.2703. Epub 2010 Jan 15.

Annual electrocardiograms consistent with silent progression of cardiac involvement in sporadic familial amyloid polyneuropathy: a case report.

Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)

Masateru Takigawa, Kazuhiko Hashimura, Hatsue Ishibashi-Ueda, Naoaki Yamada, Keisuke Kiso, Mamoru Nanasato, Yukihiko Yoshida, Haruo Hirayama


  1. Cardiovascular Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Society, Nagoya Daini Hospital, Nagoya. [email protected]

PMID: 20075578 DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.49.2703


Understanding the clinical characteristics of transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) is critical for early diagnosis and timely referral for liver transplantation. Here, we describe a 52-year-old man who had slight paresthesia for four years and whose final diagnosis of TTR-cardiac amyloidosis caused by sporadic FAP was delayed despite annual electrocardiography. Curative liver transplantation was postponed because of progressive cardiac involvement. This experience highlights the difficulties associated with diagnosing TTR-FAP, especially when it is sporadic, and underscores the importance of slight changes in ECG that could indicate FAP.

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