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Can Fam Physician. 1974 Mar;20(3):85-90.

Being 'Taught Upon': The Patient's View.

Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien

J Biehn

PMID: 20469046 PMCID: PMC2274093


A questionnaire was sent to 50 respondents in an attempt to discover attitudes of patients receiving care in a family practice teaching unit. It is stressed that these respondents were all patients of one particular practice at the St. Joseph's Hospital Family Medical Centre, and their attitudes and opinions cannot be generalized. Most respondents seem to feel that they receive adequate medical care, despite some negative features, and despite a neutral feeling towards participation in a teaching program. The factors which counterbalance these negative aspects are physician availability, an understanding attitude from the staff and thoroughness on the part of the physicians. These findings appear to support some of the findings expressed in the recent Pickering Report,(2) in that patients seem to place high value on human relationships in medical practice.

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