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Case Rep Med. 2012;2012:317848. doi: 10.1155/2012/317848. Epub 2012 May 13.

Salter-Harris Type III and Type IV Combined Fracture of the Distal Femoral Epiphysis: A Case Report.

Case reports in medicine

Ali Aydin, Murat Topal, Kutsi Tuncer, Eyüp Senocak


  1. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Atatürk University, Medical School Hospital, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey.

PMID: 22666265 PMCID: PMC3361168 DOI: 10.1155/2012/317848


Distal femoral physeal fractures are not common but have a high rate of complications. They generally follow one of the patterns described in the Salter-Harris classification. We present a case of combination of Salter-Harris type III and type IV injury. Our case was a 15-year-old boy who had a motor vehicle accident. There was swelling, ecchymosis, severe pain, and valgus deformity, because of medial proximal fracture fragment, on the left knee. We deemed that Salter-Harris type III and type IV combination fracture in our case has not been previously reported. We prepared this paper in consideration of its contribution to the literature.


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