Iran J Psychiatry. 2015 Sep;10(4):273-7.
Work Predictors of Lapse in Patients under Treatment of Methadone Maintenance Therapy.
Iranian journal of psychiatry
Ramin Mehrdad, Benafsheh Zarbafi, Gholamreza Pouryaghoub, Maryam Saraeei
- Center for Research on Occupational Diseases, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
- Occupational Medicine Resident, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
PMID: 27006672
PMCID: PMC4801497
BACKGROUND: Addiction to narcotics can cause serious problems and monetary losses. Therapeutic success can be predicted through identifying lapse risk factors.
OBJECTIVE: Determining Job Risk Factor of Lapse.
METHODS: This was a cross sectional study on 351 addicts visiting five methadone clinics. A Data collection sheet consisting of questions on demographic and job information was filled up through direct interviews. Information relating to lapse in the first month was analyzed.
RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of the participants was 40(12) years; of them, 74% were employed, of whom 34% had lapsed. A relationship was noticed between education qualification (secondary school compared with higher and lower education) and lapse (p = .04), and also between type of drug abuse (amphetamine) and lapse (p = .001).
CONCLUSION: Lapse was more dependent on type of drug abused, and employment had a protective role, with no correlation with the type of job and other job conditions. Non-work factors mediated/suppressed the role of occupational conditions..
Keywords: Lapse; Methadone Maintenance Therapy; Predictors; work
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