Turner IL, Harley MD, Short AD, et al. A multi-decade dataset of monthly beach profile surveys and inshore wave forcing at Narrabeen, Australia. Sci Data. 2016;3:160024doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.24.
Turner, I. L., Harley, M. D., Short, A. D., Simmons, J. A., Bracs, M. A., Phillips, M. S., & Splinter, K. D. (2016). A multi-decade dataset of monthly beach profile surveys and inshore wave forcing at Narrabeen, Australia. Scientific data, 3160024.
Turner, Ian L, et al. "A multi-decade dataset of monthly beach profile surveys and inshore wave forcing at Narrabeen, Australia." Scientific data vol. 3 (2016): 160024. doi:
Turner IL, Harley MD, Short AD, Simmons JA, Bracs MA, Phillips MS, Splinter KD. A multi-decade dataset of monthly beach profile surveys and inshore wave forcing at Narrabeen, Australia. Sci Data. 2016 Apr 12;3:160024. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.24. PMID: 27070299; PMCID: PMC4828941.
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