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Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(4):635-642. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.8476-13.0. Epub 2013 Jul 08.


Turkish neurosurgery

Ahmet Levent Aydin, Erhan Emel, Mehdi Sasani, Cengiz Gomleksiz, Tunc Oktenoglu, Ali Fahir Ozer


  1. Koc University School of Medicine.

PMID: 27306480 DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.8476-13.0


BACKGROUND: In patients affected by malignant tumors, spinal column metastases are frequent. Incidence varies between 30% -70%. Lung cancer is the second most frequent cancer invading spine in women, following breast cancer. In men, the first. All patients are under risk of symptomatic spinal cord compression. Prognosis is poor. Indications for surgery are progressive neurologic deficit, intractable pain, and impending vertebral fracture. Treatment is to preserve neurologic function, promote pain relief and provide functional improvement.

STUDY DESIGN: Report of five patients with symptomatic thoracic vertebral invasion secondary to lung cancer who underwent nine surgical procedures. In all patients, invasion to spinal column was from neighbouring lung tissue by direct extension or through segmental arteries.

METHODS: Five patients with symptomatic metastatic spinal cord compression at thoracal level, secondary to lung cancer were operated. They were evaluated regarding neurologic status, pain and disability scores, tumor type, level, surgical procedure.

CONCLUSION: Lung cancer is an aggressive tumor. Patients with symptomatic spinal cord compression must be treated aggressively. With current spinal surgical techniques and with the coordinated effort, the life expectancy and quality of these patients are extended.

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