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Appl Opt. 2016 Aug 10;55(23):6371-80. doi: 10.1364/AO.55.006371.

Diffractive fan-out elements for wavelength-multiplexing subdiffraction-limit spot generation in three dimensions.

Applied optics

Yusuke Ogura, Masahiko Aino, Jun Tanida

PMID: 27534481 DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.006371


Wavelength-multiplexing generation of subdiffraction-limit spots in three dimensions using propagating light was demonstrated and evaluated. Our previous design algorithm [Opt. Express22, 25196 (2014)OPEXFF1094-408710.1364/OE.22.025196] was extended to consider multiple output planes and multiple wavelengths by integrating modulation distributions for individual wavelengths. A diffractive fan-out element that generates subdiffraction-limit spot arrays with two wavelengths on two planes was demonstrated. Spot sizes were reduced to 79% of that of the diffraction-limit spot on average. Numerical calculations showed that seven-wavelength multiplexing is achievable, and the cross-talk suppression conditions are effective for cross-talk suppression between wavelengths.

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