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Emerg Nurse. 2001 Jun 01;9(3):16-21. doi: 10.7748/en.9.3.16.s14.

Digoxin overdose: clinical features and management.

Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association

Vanessa Bara


  1. The National Poisons Information Service (London).

PMID: 27731735 DOI: 10.7748/en.9.3.16.s14


Digoxin is a digitalis glycoside extracted front the leaves of the plant Digitalis Lanata. more commonly known as Grecian foxglove. The digitalis glycosides are present in many plants including Digitalis purpura (foxglove), Nerium oleander (oleander) and Convallaria majalis (lily-of-the-valley). They are also found in some toads, such as Bufo bufo-bufo (European toad). Digitalis glycosides are believed to have been used for therapeutic benefit in the first century AD. More recently, detailed descriptions of the therapeutic use of foxglove from 200 years ago include recognition of the toxicity associated with its use.

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