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Fortschr Ophthalmol. 1989;86(6):738-43.

[Histopathology of the eye--recent technics].

Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft

[Article in German]
H Witschel

PMID: 2696720


The histopathology of the eye is especially suitable for demonstrating the necessity and advantages of a close clinicopathological correlation. It should therefore be performed by a clinical ophthalmologist who is especially trained in histopathology. During recent years it has been realized more and more that metabolism and function in a living organism are only possible in relation to intact morphological structures. This led to a "renaissance" of morphology in general and of human histopathology and ophthalmopathology in particular. The workup of ophthalmopathologic specimens includes careful dissection of the globe, its macroscopic examination under the stereomicroscope, photographic documentation of interesting findings, and the application of all modern techniques of histopathology, such as light microscopy, electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, freeze-fracture techniques, and immunohistochemistry. The above methods are briefly discussed.

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