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Cesk Psychiatr. 1989 Oct;85(5):352-7.

[The psychotherapeutic relationship and use of psychological methods].

Ceskoslovenska psychiatrie

[Article in Czech]
J Vymĕtal

PMID: 2624973


On a quotation from the early dialogue of Plato, Charmides, the author demonstrates that since the beginnings principle to treat man as a whole, as his psychic and bodily processes are closely interlinked. At the same time the irreplaceable role of psychotherapy in the prevention and treatment of impaired health is explained. Psychotherapy is implemented mostly by the relationship between the therapist and patient; its course depends on the behaviour of the therapist and his personality characteristics. Based on an almost hundred-year tradition of systematic psychotherapy and due to empirical research of processes and therapeutic results during the past forty years, it may be taken for granted that for a desirable psychotherapeutic relationship the following characteristics on the part of the psychotherapist are typical: unconditional acceptance of the patient and he therapists emotional affection, empathic understanding of the patient and authenticity--genuineness of the therapist's personality. Due to advances of knowledge various psychotherapeutic trends converge in the sphere of psychotherapeutic theory and practice. Finally the author quotes views of professor K. Weis, director of the Psychiatric University in Leipzig who considers psychotherapy the axis of treatment, surrounded by somatotherapy, sociotherapy and rehabilitation measures.

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