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Risk Anal. 2019 Sep;39(9):1885-1898. doi: 10.1111/risa.13274. Epub 2019 Feb 14.

Design and Assessment Methodology for System Resilience Metrics.

Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis

Mohammad Najarian, Gino J Lim


  1. Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA.

PMID: 30763465 DOI: 10.1111/risa.13274


By providing objective measures, resilience metrics (RMs) help planners, designers, and decisionmakers to have a grasp of the resilience status of a system. Conceptual frameworks establish a sound basis for RM development. However, a significant challenge that has yet to be addressed is the assessment of the validity of RMs, whether they reflect all abilities of a resilient system, and whether or not they overrate/underrate these abilities. This article covers this gap by introducing a methodology that can show the validity of an RM against its conceptual framework. This methodology combines experimental design methods and statistical analysis techniques that provide an insight into the RM's quality. We also propose a new metric that can be used for general systems. The analysis of the proposed metric using the presented methodology shows that this metric is a better indicator of the system's abilities compared to the existing metrics.

© 2019 Society for Risk Analysis.

Keywords: Experimental design; power systems; resilience metric; resilience metric assessment; resilience quantification; statistical analysis


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