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Rheumatol Int. 2019 Aug;39(8):1457. doi: 10.1007/s00296-019-04294-9.

Correction to: Systemic vasculitis involving the breast: a case report and literature review.

Rheumatology international

Jiaqi Ren, Jianying Liu, Jing Su, Jingfeng Zhang, Jinxia Zhao


  1. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University Third Hospital, No. 49, North Garden Road, Beijing, 100191, China.
  2. Department of Pathology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100191, China.
  3. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University Third Hospital, No. 49, North Garden Road, Beijing, 100191, China. [email protected].

PMID: 30972542 DOI: 10.1007/s00296-019-04294-9


The article "Systemic vasculitis involving the breast: a case report and literature review" written by Jinxia Zhao, was originally published electronically on the publisher's internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on March 14, 2019 with open access. With the author(s) decision to step back from Open Choice, the copyright of the article changed to ©Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019 and the article is forthwith distributed under the terms of copyright.The original article has been corrected.

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