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NPJ Digit Med. 2019 Jun 19;2:52. doi: 10.1038/s41746-019-0128-7. eCollection 2019.

Contactless cardiac arrest detection using smart devices.

NPJ digital medicine

Justin Chan, Thomas Rea, Shyamnath Gollakota, Jacob E Sunshine


  1. 1Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Washington, WA USA.
  2. 2Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Washington, Washington, WA USA.
  3. Medic One, Emergency Medical Services, King County, Seattle, WA USA.
  4. 4Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Washington, WA USA.

PMID: 31304398 PMCID: PMC6584582 DOI: 10.1038/s41746-019-0128-7


Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death worldwide. Rapid diagnosis and initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the cornerstone of therapy for victims of cardiac arrest. Yet a significant fraction of cardiac arrest victims have no chance of survival because they experience an unwitnessed event, often in the privacy of their own homes. An under-appreciated diagnostic element of cardiac arrest is the presence of agonal breathing, an audible biomarker and brainstem reflex that arises in the setting of severe hypoxia. Here, we demonstrate that a support vector machine (SVM) can classify agonal breathing instances in real-time within a bedroom environment. Using real-world labeled 9-1-1 audio of cardiac arrests, we train the SVM to accurately classify agonal breathing instances. We obtain an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.9993 ± 0.0003 and an operating point with an overall sensitivity and specificity of 97.24% (95% CI: 96.86-97.61%) and 99.51% (95% CI: 99.35-99.67%). We achieve a false positive rate between 0 and 0.14% over 82 h (117,985 audio segments) of polysomnographic sleep lab data that includes snoring, hypopnea, central, and obstructive sleep apnea events. We also evaluate our classifier in home sleep environments: the false positive rate was 0-0.22% over 164 h (236,666 audio segments) of sleep data collected across 35 different bedroom environments. We prototype our proof-of-concept contactless system using commodity smart devices (Amazon Echo and Apple iPhone) and demonstrate its effectiveness in identifying cardiac arrest-associated agonal breathing instances played over the air.

Keywords: Computer science; Diagnostic markers

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interestsAll co-authors are inventors on a US provisional patent, submitted by the University of Washington, which is related to this work. J.C. and S.G. have equity stakes in Edus Health, I


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