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J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2020 May-Aug;24(2):251-257. doi: 10.4103/jomfp.JOMFP_3_20. Epub 2020 Sep 09.

Comparison of cluster analysis of .

Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP

Preeti Ingalagi, Vijayalakshmi Kotrashetti, Kishore Bhat, Manohar Kugaji


  1. Department of Microbiology, Maratha Mandal's NGH Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.
  2. Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Maratha Mandal's NGH Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.

PMID: 33456233 PMCID: PMC7802863 DOI: 10.4103/jomfp.JOMFP_3_20


INTRODUCTION: Periodontitis is a chronic destructive inflammatory disease of the oral cavity. The main causative agent is presence of biofilm formed due to different micro-organisms. Among different micro- organisms "red complex" bacteria is known to be the main causative agent in progression of periodontitis.

AIMS: To check the difference in heterogeneity of

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 400 subjects (200 each of chronic periodontitisandhealthy individuals) were included. Sub-gingival plaque was collected in the Reduced transport fluid (RTF) medium and processed at the institutional central research laboratory. Presence of

RESULTS: In 152(76%) and 98(49%) were confirmed for

CONCLUSION: The present study showed difference in clusters between chronic periodontitis and healthy individual'sthussuggestive variantin genetic heterogeneity of

Copyright: © 2020 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

Keywords: Arbitrarily primed-polymerase chain reaction; Porphyromonas gingivalis; chronic periodontitis; cluster; healthy; subgingival plaque

Conflict of interest statement

There are no conflicts of interest.


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