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J Biomed Mater Res A. 2021 Nov;109(11):2357-2368. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.37218. Epub 2021 May 11.

Alteration of fibrin hydrogel gelation and degradation kinetics through addition of azo dyes.

Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A

Jarel K Gandhi, Lauren Heinrich, David S Knoff, Minkyu Kim, Alan D Marmorstein


  1. Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA.
  2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  3. Department of Materials Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  4. BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

PMID: 33973708 DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.37218


Fibrin is a degradable biopolymer with an excellent clinical safety profile. Use of higher mechanical strength fibrin hydrogels is limited by the rapid rate of fibrin polymerization. We recently demonstrated the use of higher mechanical strength (fibrinogen concentrations >30 mg/ml) fibrin scaffolds for surgical implantation of cells. The rapid polymerization of fibrin at fibrinogen concentrations impaired our ability to scale production of these fibrin scaffolds. We serendipitously discovered that the azo dye Trypan blue (TB) slowed fibrin gelation kinetics allowing for more uniform mixing of fibrinogen and thrombin at high concentrations. A screen of closely related compounds identified similar activity for Evans blue (EB), an isomer of TB. Both TB and EB exhibited a concentration dependent increase in clot time, though EB had a larger effect. While gelation time was increased by TB or EB, overall polymerization time was unaffected. Scanning electron microscopy showed similar surface topography, but transmission electron microscopy showed a higher cross-linking density for gels formed with TB or EB versus controls. Based on these data we conclude that addition of TB or EB during thrombin mediated fibrin polymerization slows the initial gelation time permitting generation of larger more uniform fibrin hydrogels with high-mechanical strength.

© 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Keywords: azo dyes; fibrin; fibrinolysis; gelation kinetics; hydrogels


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