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Early Interv Psychiatry. 2021 Sep 19; doi: 10.1111/eip.13216. Epub 2021 Sep 19.

Kintsugi-Identity change and reconstruction following an episode of psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis.

Early intervention in psychiatry

Olivia Harris, Anna Lawes, Carina Andrews, Pamela Jacobsen


  1. Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Bath, UK.

PMID: 34541814 DOI: 10.1111/eip.13216


AIM: Research has shown that experiences of psychosis can have a significant impact on an individual's identity. Moreover, the way those who experience psychosis make sense of these changes appears to affect their recovery journey and hold clinical significance. However, this area of research is still very much developing, and there is a need for reviews, which look to synthesise and understand this process of identity change to guide clinicians working in this area as well as future research. This study looks to meet that gap and aims to synthesise qualitative literature exploring the lived experience of identity change amongst people who experience psychosis.

METHODS: A systematic review using thematic synthesis was carried out. The PRISMA and ENTREQ guidelines were followed in reporting the study.

RESULTS: Ninety-one papers were identified which met criteria for inclusion and 31 papers included in the synthesis at which point conceptual saturation was judged to have been reached. Five themes were created: psychosis as an obliteration of the old self; the futile fight against psychosis; mourning for who I was; the battle for self as a battle against disempowerment; and recovery as rebirth.

CONCLUSIONS: Results highlighted the substantive impact an experience of psychosis has on an individual's identity, the key role sense making around these identity changes plays in recovery and the crucial impact of clinicians on the sense-making process. The implications for theory, future research and clinical practice are discussed.

© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Keywords: identity; meta-synthesis; psychosis; qualitative; systematic review


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