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Dev Psychobiol. 2021 Nov;63(7):e22205. doi: 10.1002/dev.22205.

Paternal expressed emotion influences psychobiological indicators of threat and safety learning in daughters: A preliminary study.

Developmental psychobiology

Jordan L Mullins, Elayne Zhou, Dana E Glenn, Elizabeth Moroney, Steve S Lee, Kalina J Michalska


  1. Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, California, USA.
  2. Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.

PMID: 34674231 DOI: 10.1002/dev.22205


This preliminary study examined the association of children's anxiety, paternal expressed emotion (EE), and their interaction with psychophysiological indices of children's threat and safety learning. Participants included 24 father-daughter dyads. Daughters (ages 8-13 years, 100% Latina) self-reported their anxiety levels and completed a differential threat conditioning and extinction paradigm, during which psychophysiological responding was collected. Fathers completed a Five-Minute Speech Sample, from which paternal EE (i.e., criticism, emotional overinvolvement) was assessed. Anxiety-dependent associations emerged between paternal EE and individual differences in daughters' psychophysiological responding to safety signals during threat conditioning. Paternal EE was positively associated with psychophysiological responding to safety in daughters with high and mean, but not low, levels of anxiety. Although previous work suggests that chronic harsh maternal parenting is a potential risk factor for children's general threat and safety learning, these preliminary findings implicate milder forms of negative parenting behavior in fathers, particularly for highly anxious children.

© 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Keywords: daughters; expressed emotion; fathers; psychophysiology; threat learning


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