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J Autism Dev Disord. 2022 Jan 11; doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-05383-0. Epub 2022 Jan 11.

The Impact of School Strategies and the Home Environment on Home Learning Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Children With and Without Developmental Disorders.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders

Elke Baten, Fieke Vlaeminck, Marjolein Mués, Martin Valcke, Annemie Desoete, Petra Warreyn


  1. Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology, Research in Developmental Disorders Lab, Ghent University, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000, Ghent, Belgium. [email protected].
  2. Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology, Research in Developmental Disorders Lab, Ghent University, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000, Ghent, Belgium.
  3. Department of Educational Studies, Ghent University, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000, Ghent, Belgium.
  4. Artevelde University College, Voetweg 66, 9000, Ghent, Belgium.

PMID: 35013867 DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05383-0


Using the Opportunity-Propensity Model (Byrnes in Dev Rev 56:100911, 2020; Byrnes & Miller in Contemp Educ Psychol 32(4);599-629, 2007), the current study investigated which factors helped predicting children's home learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby examining differences between children with (DD; n = 779) and without (TD; n = 1443) developmental disorders. MANCOVA results indicated more negative experiences for DD children and their parents. SEM-results revealed the alignment between different teachers and autonomous motivation in children as the most important predictors for the outcome variables. Less predictors were significant for DD as compared to TD children which suggests other factors are at play in the DD group. Limitations, strengths and suggestions for future research are being discussed, together with some implications for classroom practices and remote learning approaches.

© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

Keywords: COVID-19; Developmental disorders; Opportunity-Propensity Model; Remote learning; School closures


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