User-Centered Design Strategies for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Ricardo Mendoza-Gonzalez
UIID-AD: 4068
In today's society, educational opportunities have evolved beyond the traditional classroom setting. Most universities have implemented virtual learning environments in an effort to provide more opportunities for potential or current students seeking alternative and more affordable learning solutions. "User-Centered Design Strategies for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)" focuses on the best practices and effective design of student interaction within virtual learning environments. Highlighting strategies from human-computer interaction experiences and user-centered models, as well as emergent approaches and implementation techniques, this reference publication is designed for computer science students, academics, researchers, instructional designers, IT professionals, software developers, and educators interested in mobile technologies, social learning, and educational inclusion. Following a preface and acknowledgment section (both authored by Ricardo Mendoza-González), this book is organized into the following sections and chapters: Section 1: Fostering Social Learning with MOOCs: Perspectives and MOOCs Applications Oriented to Promote Social Learning Among People: (1) Facilitating Student Interaction and Collaboration in a MOOC Environment (Stein Brunvand); (2) Users' Digital Competences Study to Design MOOCs for Digital Literacy in Mexico (Ricardo Mendoza-Gonzalez, Laura C. RodrÃguez-MarÃinez, and Mario A. RodrÃguez-DÃaz); and (3) MOOCs and Multiple Learning Styles (Sandra Jiménez González, Laura C. Rodriguez-Martinez, and Mario RodrÃguez-DÃaz). Section 2: Designing Interactions for MOOCs: Strategies, Studies and Methods to Define Starting Points for Well Designed MOOCs' Interactions: (4) Identifying Parent's Security Requirements for Web Filtering in MOOCs for Kids (Juanita Avila Sánchez and Ricardo Mendoza González); (5) Finding the Design Basic for MOOCs: Analyzing the UIs of edX, Coursera, and Udacity (Sandra G. Jiménez-González, Huizilopoztli Luna-GarcÃa, and Ricardo Mendoza-González); (6) Online Community-Based Practices for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at Open Universities Australia: A Case Study ( Mandi Axmann and Ren Atkins); and (7) Using Design Patterns to Incorporate Usability in Notifications from MOOCs (Ricardo Mendoza-González). Section 3: Inclusive MOOCs: Exploring Some Alternatives to Design Inclusive MOOCs for Diverse Users: (8) Design, Implementation and Evaluation of MOOCs to Improve Inclusion of Diverse Learners (Sandra Sanchez-Gordon and Sergio Luján-Mora); (9) Addressing Accessibility of MOOCs for Blind Users Hearing Aid for Screen Orientation (Teresita de Jesús Ãlvarez Robles, Alfredo Mendoza González, Alma Rosa GarcÃa Gaona, Universidad Veracruzana, and Francisco Alvarez RodrÃguez); and (10) Enabling MOOCs' Usage to Mild and Moderate Intellectual Disabled Users: An Approach to Enhance Mobile Interfaces (Alfredo Mendoza González and Francisco Alvarez RodrÃguez). Section 4: Evaluation Strategies for MOOCs: Describing Some Proposals for Students Evaluation in MOOCs: (11) Automatic Item Generation for Elementary Logic Quizzes via Markov Logic Networks (Davor Lauc, Nina Grgic Hlaca, and Sandro Skansi); and (12) An Elastic Platform for Large-scale Assessment of Software Assignments for MOOCs (EPLASAM) (Michael Walker, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Jules White). Section 5: Future Trends and Applications: Analyzing Some Future Venues to Enhance Interaction and Applications of MOOCs: (13) The Role of Virtual Worlds for Enhancing Student-Student Interaction in MOOCs (Rosa Reis and Paula Escudeiro); (14) Towards a Gamification Design Process for Building Engaging MOOCs (Aikaterini Kalogeraki); (15) Use of Augmented Reality a New Vision on the Massive Open Online Courses (Julio Ponce, Francisco Ornelas, Francisco Ãlvarez, and Beatriz Toscano); and (16) Therapy Reports through a Supervision Model using MOOCs (Raúl Alejandro Gutiérrez GarcÃa, Kalina Isela MartÃnez MartÃnez, Karina Elizeth Armas de Santos, and José Antonio Saldivar Cervantes). A compilation of referen es, a section about the contributors, and an index are included.
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