Lim RussellF, Primm AnnelleB, Hilty DonaldM. Strategies for Women, Minorities, and Other Underrepresented Faculty. 2006;23-33
Lim, R. u. s. s. e. l. l. F., Primm, A. n. n. e. l. l. e. B., & Hilty, D. o. n. a. l. d. M. (2006). Strategies for Women, Minorities, and Other Underrepresented Faculty. 23-33.
Lim, Russell F, et al. "Strategies for Women, Minorities, and Other Underrepresented Faculty." vol. (2006): 23-33.
Lim RussellF, Primm AnnelleB, Hilty DonaldM. Strategies for Women, Minorities, and Other Underrepresented Faculty. 2006;23-33. UIID-AD: 1887.
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