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Fundamental Investigations of Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.

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The research entitled "Fundamental Investigations of Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry" is a collaboration between Dr. Richard Cole at the University of New Orleans and Dr. Guangdi Wang at Xavier University (an HBCU) and focuses on fundamental studies related to the electrospray ionization process. The study will include the development of a unique electrochemical cell inside of an electrospray probe, and will investigate electrospray ionization enhancements provided by chloride attachment. There are three scientific objectives to this research. First, a novel electrochemical/electrospray cell will be used to study electrochemically generated reaction products and intermediates in real time. The cell performance will be validated by comparison of the experimental results with known, well characterized systems. Two systems which will be tested include the reactions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) with DNA and catecholamines with nucleophiles. The second goal is to map the potential gradient existing in the Taylor cone formed as part of the electrospray process. This fundamental study could result in improvements to interface design which will significantly enhance capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The third study will examine, in detail, the use of chloride ion attachment as a means to enhance sensitivity and structural information about negative ions formed in electrospray LC/MS. The results of this study could potentially impact both electrochemical science and mass spectrometry. This research will lead to a clearer understanding of the ionization process which may result in new instrumentation and new analytical procedures. Additionally, this research collaboration will greatly enhance minority participation in the analytical sciences.

Other Details

  • Award Instrument: Standard Grant
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Organization: University of New Orleans
  • Other Investigators: Carrie Robison, Gloria Thomas, Guangdi Wang, Kerry Davidson, Luria Stubblefield
  • Primary Investigator: Richard Cole
  • Start Date: 05/15/2000