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H Jain, A Collins, M Chen, L Yao - Creativity and Cognition, 2022 - dl.acm.org

Morphing Matter for Girls: Designing interdisciplinary learning experiences to broaden teenage girls' participation in STEM.

Broadening participation in STEM

Jain, Yao

GSID: Jlc0X6cetMYJ


Morphing Matter (MM) is an emerging multidisciplinary field that combines material science and digital fabrication. It empowers people to engineer materials that respond to a specific energy or stimuli and transform its shape or other characteristics such as stiffness, opacity, and phase. This poster introduces creative pathways with MM to engage girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning, sparking interest in the field. We share our experience designing a set of learning tools that introduce novices to MM by …