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C Wilson, R Chavela Guerra - ASEE Annual Conference proceedings, 2021 - par.nsf.gov

From Lack of Time to Stigma: Barriers Facing Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions Pursuing Federally Funded Research.

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Minority-Serving Institutions Research Expansion Program AND Program Evaluation


GSID: yOmcrf-Wo4oJ


Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) serve a high proportion of students from underrepresented minority groups, particularly within STEM fields. MSIs make up approximately 14 percent of all degree-granting, Title IV-eligible institutions for higher education, and they enroll approximately 30 percent of all undergraduates in the United States. However, in 2018, only 3 percent of all federal obligations for science and engineering research and development provided to institutions of higher education was …