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SJ Blazewicz, RL Barnard, RA Daly, MK Firestone - The ISME journal, 2013 - nature.com

Evaluating rRNA as an indicator of microbial activity in environmental communities: limitations and uses.

Cultural Transformation in the Geoscience Community AND Program Evaluation

Barnard, Blazewicz, Daly, Firestone

GSID: 0wbZmnO_4x4J


Microbes exist in a range of metabolic states (for example, dormant, active and growing) and analysis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is frequently employed to identify the 'active'fraction of microbes in environmental samples. While rRNA analyses are no longer commonly used to quantify a population's growth rate in mixed communities, due to rRNA concentration not scaling linearly with growth rate uniformly across taxa, rRNA analyses are still frequently used toward the more conservative goal of identifying populations that are currently active in …

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GSID: _nbUVtnMmtAJ