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G Swanson, S Miller, A Alyahyawi, B Wilson… - 2017 - researchgate.net

Genetic polymorphisms in the serotonin receptor 7 () gene HTR7 are associated with cortisol levels in African American young adults [version 1; referees ….

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation AND Program Evaluation

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Serotonin is a neurohormone involved in biological processes, Introduction: such as behavior and immune function. Chronic psychosocial stressors may cause serotonin release resulting in immune system dysregulation, as evidenced by increased or far decreased levels of cortisol, a blood biomarker of stress and immune function. We hypothesize that genetic polymorphisms in the gene are associated with both hypo-and hyper-cortisolism.

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G Swanson, S Miller, A Alyahyawi, B Wilson… - 2017 - scholar.archive.org