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D Brown, A Delgado, R Moss, F Sedano - 2015 - globalchange.gov

Need and Options for Subnational Scale Land-Use and Land-Cover Scenarios for the United States.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Bridging EPSCoR Communities AND Program Evaluation

Brown, Moss, Sedano

GSID: P-sVcMkPb40J


Background and purpose Scenarios of future climate, environmental, and socioeconomic conditions are used as inputs to global change research and assessment. Scenarios are plausible futures that do not convey the probability that the events described in the scenario will occur. They can be narrative by describing the overall trends and logic of future events in an internally consistent manner, quantified by rigorously calculating the consequences of the plausible trends using numerical models, or both. Research on global environmental …

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