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Ann Med Psychol (Paris). 1977 Mar;1(3):413-25.

[Memories and reflexions of a psychiatrist of former times].

Annales medico-psychologiques

[Article in French]
E Martimor

PMID: 332026


After 64 years as a psychiatrist, the author relates his experiences in psychiatric centers and in official practice as an expert. In this way, he comments on the evolution of psychiatry spanning three quarters of a century. In particular, he recalls the various methods of treatment used successively, their success and failure and the resulting accidents. He also describes the development of help given and the increasing tendency to reduce obstacles to the freedom of movements of those suffering from mental illness. Mention is also made of the changing working conditions found in psychiatric hospitals and the conception to which has the practicien himself of his role. With regard to the official practice as an expert, different objectives and approaches to the problem have been observed in the past and others are to be hoped in the future.

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