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Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1986;34(4):237-44.

[Evaluation of preventive measures against occupational health hazards].

Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique

[Article in French]
M Kaminski

PMID: 3823516


The epidemiological methods which can be used to assess preventive measures against occupational health hazards are those used in the evaluation of public health interventions in general, with specific constraints. These constraints are mainly linked to the ethical aspects of intervention concerning occupational health hazards, to the long latency period of occupation related diseases, and to the complexity of the preventive actions. They probably explain in part why evaluative studies of preventive actions against occupational health hazards remain rare, and the methods used often inappropriate. Nonetheless, assessment of the efficacy of preventive measures at the workplace is necessary, and adequate methods do exist.

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