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Magn Reson Med. 1985 Jun;2(3):245-52. doi: 10.1002/mrm.1910020307.

Design data for efficient axial gradient coils: application to NMR imaging.

Magnetic resonance in medicine

H Saint-Jalmes, J Taquin, Y Barjhoux

PMID: 3831693 DOI: 10.1002/mrm.1910020307


A new design for an axial magnetic field gradient is described. Implemented in a four-coil configuration, it requires far less power than the conventional Maxwell pair, while maintaining the same field linearity. A practical design tool with a set of curves giving coil dimensions is proposed. Two realizations dedicated to NMR imaging are described and compared with the equivalent Maxwell pair. Substantial power reductions are achieved; in these cases, dc power is reduced by a factor of 5 and switching power by a factor of 15.

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