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J R Coll Gen Pract. 1985 Sep;35(278):419-22.

Study of trainer/trainee workload with special reference to the care of the elderly.

The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners

N Caine, J Strang, R M Acheson

PMID: 4057174 PMCID: PMC1960263
Free PMC Article


A study of the workload of trainers and their trainees in general practice, was undertaken throughout East Anglia. Thirty trainer/trainee pairs returned data over a two-week period and follow-up information was obtained from five pairs, eight months later. A simple encounter form was used.Trainee workloads were found to be similar to those of earlier studies, though there was considerable variation between the workloads. Trainees had little experience with elderly patients, and there was a lack of teamwork between members of the practices in providing care for the elderly.

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