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Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol. 1985 Mar;88(3):54-61.

[Sinusoids--elements of the circulatory bed of the human heart].

Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii

[Article in Russian]
L I Gabain

PMID: 4004569


The literature concerning the problems of myocyrdial sinusoids has been analysed and morphological investigation of 98 human hearts has been performed. As demonstrates the comparison of the literature data, the term "sinusoid" in the human heart is applied to different structures. In some cases--to designate dilated areas of the venous part of the blood bed in the ventricular walls, in others--"hollow spaces", "intercellular spaces" and Vieussens--Thebesius vessels. Combining methods of intravascular injections and studying serial histological sections, it has been found that the sinusoids--the "hollow spaces", the "intercellular spaces", the "Veussens--Thebesius vessels" present the areas of intertrabcular spaces, which get into the planes of some sections, not being components of the myocardial blood bed. Spatial angioarchitectonics of the sinusoids--dilated areas in the venous part of the myocardial blood bed have been investigated by means of the plastic reconstruction method. It is suggested to apply the term "sinusoids" only to the given parts of the cardiac blood bed.

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