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AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1981 Jun;136(6):1199-205. doi: 10.2214/ajr.136.6.1199.

X-ray equipment performance: a 3.5 year case history.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

R P Rossi, J M Niemkeiwicz, J A Mulvaney, W R Hendee

PMID: 6786036 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.136.6.1199


The continuing performance of radiographic imaging systems has become increasingly important as the complexity and cost of these systems continue to escalate, as replacement funding becomes more difficult to obtain, and as advisory and regulatory agencies place increasing emphasis on equipment-oriented quality control procedures. As a guide to the continuing performance of these imaging systems, selected performance indicators for two general-purpose radiographic-fluoroscopic units have been monitored for a 3.5 year period. The observations suggest that with inspection and adjustment at 6 month intervals for generator, x-ray tube, and beam restriction systems, and at 2 month intervals for the intensified fluoroscopic imaging system, the overall performance of the imaging systems can be maintained at a high level of consistency equivalent to the performance achieved when the equipment was initially installed.

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