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J Bacteriol. 1981 Jul;147(1):97-100. doi: 10.1128/jb.147.1.97-100.1981.

Relationship of Escherichia coli density to growth rate and cell age.

Journal of bacteriology

E Martínez-Salas, J A Martín, M Vicente

PMID: 7016845 PMCID: PMC216012 DOI: 10.1128/jb.147.1.97-100.1981
Free PMC Article


The cell densities of Escherichia coli strains B/rA, BrF, and K-12 (OV-2) were measured at several growth rates and found to be very near 1.105 g/ml in all cases. Ninety percent of the cells of any exponentially growing population banded at densities differing less than 0.75% from the mean. Synchronized populations of B/rA selected as newborn cells were found to keep their density constant for longer than one generation time. However, if selection was based on cell size, by sedimentation through a sucrose gradient, cell density was found to be almost 2% lower than that of newborn cells, but it reached normal values before the first division had taken place. These results meant that mass and volume during the lifetime of the bacterial cell followed parallel kinetics. It was unlikely that density could regulate any event of the lifetime of a cell; on the contrary, density seemed to be a physical parameter that was well controlled during the bacterial growth.

Cited by

Gangwe Nana GY, Ripoll C, Cabin-Flaman A, Gibouin D, Delaune A, Janniere L, Grancher G, Chagny G, Loutelier-Bourhis C, Lentzen E, Grysan P, Audinot JN, Norris V.
Front Microbiol. 2018 May 11;9:849. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00849. eCollection 2018.
PMID: 29867792


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