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Ann Intern Med. 1981 Dec;95(6):769-71. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-95-6-769.

The doctor-patient relationship: headed for impasse or improvement?.

Annals of internal medicine

P S Jensen

PMID: 7305157 DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-95-6-769


Deterioration and doctor-patient rapport may be due to increased consumerism, a rise in medical technology, and a societal trend towards deprofessionalization. Increased emphasis on doctor-patient rapport during medical training, closer supervision of studied-patient interactions by physicians trained in the biopsychosocial approach, continuing medical education courses to update the practitioner's interpersonal skills, and a change in medical school admission policies are recommended. Increased consumer involvement in individual doctor-patient relationships and in the health care structure may result in greater patient satisfaction and improved health care.

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