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Elsevier Science

Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 1993 Jun;7(3):174-81. doi: 10.1016/0883-9417(93)90044-w.

Psychiatric-mental health nursing professional progress notes.

Archives of psychiatric nursing

C V Billings

PMID: 8373265 DOI: 10.1016/0883-9417(93)90044-w


This article focuses on the American Nurses Association's Effectiveness Initiative and its potential contribution to, and impact on, psychiatric-mental health nursing. The author stresses the importance of the development of nursing nomenclature, nursing practice guidelines, and nursing payment reform as building blocks with which nursing in general, and psychiatric-mental health nursing in particular, positions itself for a more prominent role in future health care. Finally, the author engages the reader in a little whimsy that spans nursing's past, and present, while emphasizing a future in which all nurses work together with one strong voice for nursing and the consumers we serve.

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